Posts tagged pole fitness
We Are Now Series Based! So, What Does That Mean?

Given the dramatic increase of COVID-19 cases in the Columbus area, and Georgia, overall, reaching record highs, we feel it is still too soon to try and operate class at full capacity. So, we have reorganized, regrouped, and figured out how we will move forward so we can continue to provide you with the best level of service. We are now a series-based studio! But what does that mean?

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Finesse Re-Opening: What You Should Know

When we haven’t been teaching and hanging out with all of you on Zoom, we have closely been monitoring news, health reports, and speaking with our fellow studio owners to gather information to create a comprehensive reopening plan that best suits our staff and clients. Here is everything you need to know about our Phase 1 reopening.

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Get Your Pole Life Right in 2020!

It’s that time again. A new year (and a whole new decade!) is upon us and we are ready to dive right into tackling a lot of the goals and resolutions we have set forth for 2020. Don’t make the same mistakes that I and several others before you have made. If you want to get your pole life right this year, follow these tips to stay on track and successful.

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