5 Things To Do For Yourself in the New Year
As we find ourselves entering an settling into a new decade, we’re ultra determined to make 2020 the best year we’ve ever had. But instead of focusing on specific things to accomplish, let’s focus on the little ways to bring some joy and pleasure into our lives without having to measure actual accomplishments. Make this the year that you focus on improvement without having to be bound to specific goals and resolutions. Make this the year that you radiate your best self. Here are five simple things you can do for yourself in this new year:
(1) Take yourself out on a date.
No matter if you’re single, in a relationship, or married, taking yourself out on a date is always such a good thing to do for yourself. The possibilities are endless-- you can go to a fancy dinner, see a movie, go shopping, take a day to explore some nature trails, go to a spa… whatever you want! Pick a day where you can free yourself from responsibilities and obligations so you can pamper yourself without the worry of time constraints. Reconnect with yourself and rediscover why you are such an amazing person. Treating yourself to a date is not only a great reminder of the things you love and love to do, but more importantly that you can feel fabulous all on your own accord.
(2) Don’t be so hard on yourself.
Admittedly, this is easier said than done because we’re all our own biggest critic. Maybe you didn’t ace that exam after days of studying. Maybe you didn’t point your toes in your last performance. Maybe weeks of preparing for a big event didn’t go as planned. Failure is an essential part of growth. If we never fail, we would never be able to succeed. Find the beauty in your mistakes and use them to propel you to greater heights.
(3) Clean out your cluttered socialsphere.
Sis. You’re well overdue to get rid of those that are messing with your energy. Unfollow all of the Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter accounts that clutter your timeline with negative content. Unfriend any individuals that you wouldn’t talk to in real life. Dig through your email account and unsubscribe from any email lists that clutter your inbox with junk. All of this may take several hours, or several days, but you’ll thank yourself when you start to notice that your feeds all of a sudden have more pleasant content.
(4) Practice therapeutic self-care.
Find therapeutic ways to love and take care of yourself. This can be something as practical as getting a professional massage once a month to reset your body, diffusing aromatherapy oils in your bedroom every night before you go to bed, or taking time to meditate every morning. Whatever your chosen method, let it be something that allows you to decompress and get you back to feeling 100%. When you take the time to take care of yourself in soothing, calming ways, you not only address your physical health, but your spiritual and mental health as well.
(5) Be fancy for no damn reason.
It’s safe to say that feeling fancy always makes us feel really good because it usually involves doing something nice that’s out of our normal routines. Find a fancy restaurant for that self-date you’re going to take yourself on. Dress up on a day that you have nothing going on. Find some fancier ingredients at your grocery store and make a delicious meal at home. Buy an expensive beauty product that you’ll be glad to use every single day. Splurging in moderation is always a good thing, especially if it makes us feel a little fancy.
Do you have another idea in mind for something you can do for yourself this year? Share with us and tell us in the comments!